
According to the federal government, the State of Texas generated more than $1.4 trillion in gross domestic product last year – the state’s highest GDP since at least 1996. That staggering number is due largely to the state’s booming energy industry, according to media reports. However, as illustrated by two recent truck-crash settlements negotiated by the Law Offices of…
Hundreds of thousands of tractor-trailer and bus drivers in the United States carry commercial driver’s licenses despite also qualifying for full federal disability payments, and some of those drivers have suffered seizures, heart attacks or unconscious spells, according to a new study. According to the Fort Worth Star-Telegram, the 30-page GAO study, obtained by the AP in advance of…
EAST HAMPTON, N.Y. – Jerry Seinfeld was in a harrowing rollover car wreck but was unhurt after the brakes on one of his vintage cars failed. Seinfeld was driving alone when the brakes on his 1967 Fiat BTM stopped working Saturday evening, East Hampton Town Police Chief Todd Sarris told the New York Post. Seinfeld tried the emergency brake,…
I’m hearing some troubling things about the proposed legislative agenda being pushed by the trucking industry, such as their desire to increase truck/trailer weight limits from 80,000 lbs. to 97,000 lbs. and to once again try to increase the hours a trucker may drive without rest. With all the trucking activity around Texas and the Fort Worth/Dallas area, the…
A disturbing trend is emerging due to “tort reform” Fewer injured consumers are able to be fully compensated through the court system and more are being forced onto taxpayer-funded government and charity healthcare programs. For example, a baby injured by medical negligence can’t recover damages because of tort reform, and thus is cared for from now on by Medicaid. Or…
NBC5 (KXAS-TV) recently reported that a disproportionate number of drunken driving crashes have occurred near AT&T Stadium and the Rangers Ballpark in Arlington, homes to the Dallas Cowboys and the Texas Rangers. See Scott Friedman’s report below. The NBC5 investigative report was unable to identify any specific businesses, etc., that fueled the concentration of drunken-driving crashes there. As a…
At one time or another, we’ve all seen a heavy truck operated in an unsafe manner. To eliminate bad drivers from causing roadway dangers, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (CSA) has set out to rate big-rig drivers base on their fitness to operate their vehicles. But don’t get behind the wheel thinking these ratings will take effect soon….
Another report of Heparin overdosing of premature babies, this time involving up to 14 babies at Christus Spohn hospital in Corpus Christi. Two of the overdosed babies, twin siblings, have died. “Christus Spohn (Health System) confirms that an error occurred during the mixing process in our hospital pharmacy,” Chief Medical Officer Dr. Richard Davis said in a prepared statement….